1997-03-07 More Smartypants Here are further observations gleaned from the Project Smartypants survey (which field has the smartest, or believes it has the smartest, people?), the results of which were summarized in last month's mini-AIR. Astronomer Vinay L. Kashyap: Speaking of ranking the various disciplines -- Politicians think they are Economists. Economists think they are Social Scientists. Social Scientists think they are Psychologists. Psychologists think they are Biologists. Biologists think they are Organic Chemists. Organic Chemists think they are Physical Chemists. Physical Chemists think they are Physicists. Physicists think they are Mathematicians. Mathematicians think they are God. God ...umm... so happens that God is an Astronomer. --- from Mini-AIR (Annals of Improbable Research) http://www.improb.com